Suicidality & Self-harm in Children

Suicidality and Self-harm in Children

Tragically, children of all ages have been shown to exhibit suicidal ideation and behaviors. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among youth ages 10-14. Although not direct indicators of risk, warning signs in children can include: making suicidal statements, preoccupation with death or dying, giving away belongings, withdrawal from friends or family, or aggressive or hostile behavior.

Self-harm in Children

Sadly, children of all ages may engage in self-injury; the fastest growing sector is “tweens” ages 9-14, likely due in part to the influence of social media. Although it is most often devastating and terrifying for parents to discover their child is intentionally hurting herself, it is important to remember that in the vast majority of cases the behavior is not related to a suicide attempt.

If parents discover a child is self-injuring, it is important to seek a professional evaluation. While some children may “experiment” with self-injury due to peer pressure, other children use self-injury to cope with deeply painful emotions, or to communicate needs they have not learned to express in other ways.

If you identify some different behaviors in the school or family environment of children, it is important to go to a specialist immediately to find professional advice and obtain a diagnosis that allows us to provide emotional and psychological support to children, thus preventing them from presenting suicide cases

At The Center of Cognitive and Behavioral Health we offer you quality advice in the company of specialists in all areas of Suicidality and Self-harm in Children. In our center you will be able to advise yourself with the best experts, visit us and find personalized help.

To receive further advice, you can contact our service channels to meet our specialists or learn more about our services in this page.