Coping with Bulimia During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Connecticut residents are asked to stay at home to stay safe from the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonessential workers are currently working from home or not working at all. Social gatherings that include more than five people are currently prohibited, too. These precautionary measures are expected to last through May 20, at the earliest. This prolonged period of isolation could take a toll on bulimia patients.
Our Westport treatment center for patients with bulimia recognizes that the pandemic might heighten emotional and behavioral struggles associated with the eating disorder. Nevertheless, there are things you must keep in mind to make the situation more manageable while you recover.
Reminders to Help You through This Global Crisis
Recovering from an eating disorder is a challenge in itself. Undergoing the healing process in the middle of a global health crisis is even more difficult. But don’t let that discourage you. Here are some things to keep in mind while you try to adjust to this new normal:
It’s okay if you’re struggling with recovery.
Eating disorders are mental health conditions that are heavily affected by daily routine, sleeping patterns, environmental stressors, and isolation. So, patients recovering from bulimia are understandably more prone to relapse because of the pandemic and its effects.
If you’re having a difficult time staying on track, just know that you aren’t failing at recovery. These are trying times for everyone and your struggle is valid.
Stay connected with your support system.
Connecticut is under a “Stay Safe, Stay Home” executive order which will remain in effect until at least May 20. Most establishments are temporarily closed, too, except for the essentials. But despite the physical distancing, it’s important for you to stay socially connected with loved ones.
Your support system is crucial to your mental health wellness and recovery, so don’t withdraw from them during this period of self-isolation. Stay connected with your therapist, too.
The future is uncertain but recovery still matters.
Right now, nobody knows when the pandemic will end. We don’t know when things will go back to normal and when we will truly be safe from the coronavirus. This doesn’t mean the world is falling apart, though. You can feel down right now, but don’t let that affect your recovery.
If anything, you have more time for yourself while the “Stay Safe, Stay Home” executive order is in place. Use this time to focus on your healing and recovery.
Finally, remember to be kind to yourself. Your eating disorder is as relevant as other people’s health concerns even in the face of the pandemic. Try your best to stick to your pre-pandemic routine, and talk to your healthcare team for ways to make the situation more manageable.
Healing and Recovery during These Trying Times
The Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Health (CCBH) provides a comprehensive range of treatment for patients recovering from bulimia and other eating disorders. We understand that the unprecented situation we find ourselves in could be affecting your recovery. Let us help you heal through it.
Set an appointment with us by calling 1-888-745-3372.