Month: <span>September 2020</span>

Studying during pandemic

Taking Care of Your Mental Health as You Go Back to School

Earlier in the year, colleges and universities across the country closed campuses and dormitories to help flatten the curve. They moved classes online to avoid an educational and achievement gap. But as the new academic year begins, many schools have decided to reopen campuses and dormitories for in-person classes. This can be a source of anxiety for many, especially as the pandemic continues to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. How Care of Your Mental Health in School?

The Mental Toll of the Pandemic

When news broke about the new disease, many felt the stress of its implications on “normal” life. The reasons ranged from the possibility of contraction to what’s going to happen if you do get sick. Although scientists and medical professionals around the world continue to work on a vaccine, many are still anxious about each passing day.

As campuses continue to welcome back students, many are worried about the coming months. Students can’t help but worry about their health and safety, even as colleges and universities implement new protocols to prevent the spread of the virus. The anxiousness over the situation, when coupled with the typical stressors of school life, can take a significant toll on students’ mental health.

How to Cope on Campus

The challenge many students face in these trying times is their lack of control over the situation. The following practices aim to help students going back to campus regain a sense of control over their mental health.

Understand that it’s normal not to feel “okay.”

woman in public with a mask

It’s normal to experience feelings of anxiety, frustration, anger, and sadness over the situation. The sooner you accept these emotions, the easier it will be for you to communicate how you are feeling to others. If you’re uncomfortable talking about these emotions with family and friends, there are support services available to you. Our Westport clinic provides online counseling for anyone that needs the support of a professional during these trying times.

Maintain a morning and night routine.

A routine is helpful as it gives you a checklist of things to do every day. Create morning and night routines that are compatible with your classes and extracurricular activities. Include meals, study sessions, and time for your hobbies for a well-rounded schedule.

Take a “mental health” break when you need one.

Don’t underestimate your mental health, especially during these stressful times. Aside from taking time for yourself every day, consider taking a break from classes if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. If you are dealing with these types of emotions, it might be more difficult to concentrate in class and on your coursework. Talk to your professors and explain the situation so that they can help you.

Professional Mental Health Support Services

The Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Health understands the struggle students are facing right now. We are here to help you cope with your stressors and triggers as you go back to school. We provide online counseling services to give you the appropriate support wherever you are.

Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment.